Harshi Lodha Jain named USCA Outstanding Senior Student

Harshi Lodha Jain, a graduating senior double majoring in psychology and business administration, has been named the University of South Carolina Aiken's Outstanding Senior Student and will be recognized during the university's December Commencement on Dec. 14.

With major concentrations in social psychology and marketing, Jain has maintained a 3.9 Grade Point Average throughout her time at the university. "I'm really happy because I've only been at USCA for two years," she said. "Receiving this award proves my dedication and it's nice to be acknowledged for this achievement."

Among her other achievements, Jain has received the Summer Undergraduate Research Grant from the International Honor Society in Psychology and the Magellan Scholar Award.

During her time at USCA, Jain has not only excelled academically, but was actively involved in various student organizations, including serving as president and communications head for the Neuroscience Club, secretary for the Council for Business Students, and vice president for Psi Chi. She also participated in the Student Government Association, proposing an event to create a speed-dating opportunity where students with undeclared majors could rotate amongst various professors so that they could learn more about what majors were being offered at the university.

Jain is an international transfer student from India and said she loved the feeling of being part of a small campus community. "I would not have made any personal connections with my professors if it was a big campus," she said.

Jain said after graduation she wants to work in a research lab position before applying for PhD programs in both business and psychology.

Jain will be awarded a plaque for her accomplishments during the December Commencement on Thursday, Dec. 14 at the Convocation Center.

For more information, contact Angela Saxon, angela.saxon@usca.edu